Three Brand-Building Lessons from a Non-Profit Founder

Non-profits around the globe are challenging the status quo and disrupting outdated systems to build a better future for society. And while that may sound daunting—it absolutely is. One such non-profit facing these challenges head-on is BeWell in School, led by founder and executive director Riki Rattner.

BeWell in School®’s in-person and digital programs leverage breath, movement, and mindfulness to transform school climates and create educational environments where everyone feels supported to learn, grow, and be themselves. Since 2019, Riki and her team have been navigating changes in funding, school climates, and the digital landscape, and the lessons they've learned are invaluable for any organization.

Whether you're a non-profit leader or running a for-profit business, the ability to clarify your message, bring your team into alignment, and test your ideas before scaling can make all the difference. Here are three tips from our recent conversation on LinkedIn Live.

Find a Way to Build an Understanding

The phrase "You have to see it to believe it" may sound good in theory, but it isn’t the most effective marketing strategy. For complex organizations or those offering innovative solutions—like BeWell in School—it's essential to find the right words to communicate your value.

As Riki shared, "Seeing [what we do] is really magical, and explaining it is hard to conceptualize sometimes." Riki acknowledges that many people aren't aware of the day-to-day challenges in public schools, and her team often starts conversations by asking, "When was the last time you were in a public school?" This question helps them gauge their audience's understanding and craft their message accordingly.

BeWell in School showcases the magic of their work through conversations, public presentations, and video content. By building this understanding and shared brand language that highlights both the challenges schools face and the impact BeWell in School's programs make, they're able to capture their audience's hearts and minds and compel them to make a difference.

Bring Your Team Together

When BeWell in School expanded to eight schools across two cities, preparing to launch a digital offering, they brought their team together for a Brand Intensive workshop. This collaboration helped align the team’s vision and clarify the stories that best showcase the impact of their work.

Riki shared that by bringing her team together to speak into the future of the brand and business, they gained alignment and a vision for what stories they wanted to tell to showcase the impact of their work.

Riki shared, "It's awesome to watch the work grow when you bring in amazing people who bring their specialties to the work and have their own personal connections to the work that makes it evolve...bringing those ideas together and hearing people process and reflect helped us get closer and clearer on messaging."

Build it, Then Pilot It

As BeWell prepared to launch their digital platform, they realized it would involve far more learning than expected. Looking back, Riki admits their goals may have been too ambitious, but this pilot phase provided invaluable lessons about operating in the digital space. She recommends piloting a program first to identify what works before scaling.

Riki and her team have taken this year to learn more about how their audience is using BeWell Digital so they can prepare to improve and expand the program in the future.

Get to Know BeWell in School

Curious about how breath, movement, and mindfulness can transform education? Visit BeWell in School to learn more and support their mission. You can also connect with Riki on LinkedIn to follow her inspiring work.

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